My name is Simen Opsahl (Tarehjerne). I started my career in the Offshore Oil & Gas industry, where I transitioned from Engineer to Lead Designer. During this time, I had the privilege of monitoring, checking, and testing equipment valued from tens of thousands to several million dollars.
Now, I own a successful Machining and Manufacturing business that has supported over a dozen companies. In the past two years alone, we have helped launch projects worth over $10,000,000 into the market.
Manufacturers Assisted
Unique Products
Products Manufactured
How To Establish Strong Connections with Business Owners
Ever felt like networking was more like awkward-netting?
What if we told you that establishing killer connections with business owners doesn’t have to feel like a cringe-worthy speed date?
Our clients understand that inaction is a choice. They act decisively towards their goals, recognizing that an imperfect plan in motion today outperforms a flawless plan set for tomorrow.
The Hero of Their Own Story
Our clients understand that no one else will determine their success; their destiny is firmly in their own grasp. They fully embrace the responsibility of shaping their values, acknowledging their limitations, and conquering challenges.
Dedicated to Serving Their Community
They are fundamentally in this business to transform lives, assist others, and excel in driving change. Their success is intrinsically linked to the success of the people they serve.
Lifelong Learners
In the quest to excel, our clients leave ego at the door. Staying on top of the industry means embracing growth, welcoming feedback, and placing trust in their manufacturers—just as their own clients place trust in them.
Hungry for Growth
Our clients are proud but never satisfied. Once they achieve one goal, they're immediately eyeing the next milestone. Their focus is perpetually on ascending to the next level.
Expert Communicators
Tough conversations come naturally to our clients. They speak the truth without sugarcoating, understanding that withholding valuable feedback ultimately harms everyone.
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Discover how we build new products from scratch in a week or less…